Barix Hardware Encoder Barix Hardware Encoder Barix Hardware Encoder
StreamGuys, Inc. Logo

Barix Hardware Encoding


Reflector Service Benefits:

  • Quick Set Up
  • Reliable
  • Portable
  • Low Cost


The Reflector service is a great way for Broadcasters to quickly and easily set up a unidirectional STL (Studio to Transmitter Link), without all the tedious business of having to configure IP networks, punch holes in firewalls or negotiate with your network administrator or ISP's tech support department. Reflector can also be used to link studio to studio for raw prerecord transfers and/or syndication, and remote to studio for "in the field" contributions.
Barix Extreamer

Reflector can save you money, as IP connections are cheaper than most other types. And with the Reflector service, you don't need a 'Static IP address' (a way that your ISP has for charging you more money for your internet services). Sure, you pay for the Reflector service...but a lot less.
Barix Exstreamer

Prices shown here are for monthly
service only.
Barix Extreamer

For pricing on the
Barix Exstreamer 500
(and other Barix Devices) ...
Click Here
Barix Extreamer

Two Barix Devices
1st Pair
Additional Devices

So how does the Reflector service work?
  • You first install a Barix Exstreamer 500 at your source feed location (primary studio, remote/mobile local, etc.), and install the Barix Reflector firmware on it. This allows you to encode the audio and sends it to the Reflector service.
  • You then install a Barix Exstreamer 500 at your receiving location (2nd/remote studio, transmitter,etc.), and install the Barix Reflector firmware on it as well. This allows you to pull the audio from the Reflector service.
  • And finally, you tell the Reflector about your two Barix devices by using a simple, secure web based interface.
Need more detail?
  • The sending device is a Barix Exstreamer 500, which encodes the input audio and then sends it to our Reflector server.
  • The receiving device is also a Barix Exstreamer 500, which receives and decodes the encoded audio stream and outputs it as analogue/digital audio.
  • The Reflector service acts as a relay and coordinates the two devices.

Once you've created an account using the Reflector server's web interface, you can then register your Barix devices as a Project, giving the unique MAC address of each plus a few other details. Once that information has been entered, the Reflector server will then locate your devices, and the audio data flow between them will begin!
Barix Extreamer

Barix Reflector Map

StreamGuys Reflector Sales & Support

If you'd like more information about our Reflector Service and/or Barix Instreamer/Exstreamer devices, you can call us toll free 1-877-287-2938 Opt-1.

If you've signed up for a Reflector account, but you are having trouble with your projects or devices, you can either download the Reflector User Manual, or you can visit our Reflector Service FAQ's

All new accounts come with one month of free tech support. So, if you are still unable to locate a solution, our expert technical and customer support staff will be happy to assist you 24/7...1-877-287-2938 Opt-3